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7月, 2019

young couple shopping for wine


Regular wine consumers care a lot about sustainability. That’s the bottom line from new research, conducted this spring by Wine Intelligence, into how shoppers view sustainable winegrowing. A survey of 2,000 regular drinkers, combined with results from focus groups, revealed that a large majority is interested in purchasing sustainable wine in the future, will pay more for it (an average of $3 more per bottle), and views certification logos on wine labels as helpful and credible. Younger consumers especially—Millennials and Gen Z respondents of legal drinking age—take note of sustainable practices and like to see sustainable certification on wine.

The Pour

Which Wine?

When you have guests over for dinner, the “welcome pour” makes a big impression. Get some California rosé into those glasses immediately and people will remember your hospitality long after they’ve forgotten whether the salmon was perfectly cooked. California vintners make refreshing rosés from red grapes of every type, from Pinot Noir to Zinfandel to Cabernet Sauvignon. Play the field to find the brands you love. The most popular ones disappear by midsummer, so stash away a few bottles to make sure you’re covered.

Meet the Grapes: Explore more wine pairings

The Recipe


Welcome guests to your home for dinner with a glass of California rosé and a slice of warm olive focaccia. If you’ve baked the focaccia hours before, you can reheat it quickly in a hot oven, although it’s plenty tasty at room temperature, too. Pack it on a picnic or a hike with your favorite salumi and cheeses. Or adapt the topping to showcase a seasonal fresh vegetable, like halved cherry tomatoes or strips of roasted sweet pepper. Adding cooked potato to the dough produces an especially moist and tasty result.

Wine suggestion: カリフォルニア・ソーヴィニョン・ブランまたはロゼ

Potato Focaccia


  • じゃがいも(ユーコンゴールド) 皮付き 250g
  • ドライイースト 小さじ1.5
  • 中力粉(漂白していないもの) 3 3/4カップ(465g) +打ち粉用
  • コーシャーソルトまたは海塩 小さじ2.5 +振りかけ用
  • エクストラバージンオリーブオイル 1/4カップ(60ml) +コーティングとはけ塗り用
  • カリフォルニア・オリーブ 種を取って半分に切る 24個
  • 生または乾燥ローズマリー みじん切り 小さじ1.5
  • オレガノ 細かくつぶしたもの







生地のガス抜きをします。28cm x 43cmの縁のついたベーキングシートの底と側面にオリーブオイル大さじ1を塗ります。生地をベーキングシートに載せます。指に油を付け、焼き型に合わせて長方形になるように生地をつつきます。生地には弾力があり元に戻ろうとします。焼き型に合わせるために平らにしようとしてもうまくいかない場合は、5分ほど待ってから再度試します。それでも端から離れてしまう場合はさらに5分ほど休ませてから再度試します。何度か休ませると生地を平らにすることができるはずですが、焼き型にきっちりと収まらなくても心配することはありません。カバーをかけずに、1時間半程度、生地が膨らむまで二次発酵させます。




フォカッチャのサイズ:28cm x 43cm

Wine Institute is an association of nearly 1,000 California wineries and affiliated businesses from the beautiful and diverse wine regions throughout the state. Wine Institute works to create an environment where the wine community can flourish and contribute in a positive fashion to our nation, state and local communities. For information please contact


Certified sustainable producer Jordan Winery, owner of the Wine Country Table website and magazine, consents to Wine Institute’s use of its trademark for this book. Find food, wine, entertaining and travel tips at